Get Involved

Can I hire Fat Torah to lead a workshop at my congregation?

Yes! Fat Torah’s founder, Rabbi Minna Bromberg, does this on a regular basis. You can find out more about her workshop offerings here.

What is the best way to keep in touch with Fat Torah on social media?

Great question. We have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Fat Torah also hosts a private Facebook group where you can connect with other body liberation activists. Check it out and request to join.

Does Fat Torah have an email list? How can I join it?

Why yes, yes we do. Head on over to our subscribe page and check it out.

Is Fat Torah a nonprofit?

Currently, Fat Torah is a project of HaKen Institute, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our operating budget for all programs and staff is largely composed of individual donations from Fat Torah supporters like you. Make a gift today.

How can I get involved on the Fat Torah board?

Send a note to our current board chair, Rachel Figurasmith, and she will tell you more about ways to do this. Thanks for your interest!